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The blind texts live far behind, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries' vowels and consonants. They live in seclusion in the town of Litabhausen on the coast of the semantics, a large language ocean. A small stream called Duden flows through its location and provides it with the necessary controls. It is a paradise-like country in which fried parts of the sentence fly into your mouth. The blind texts are not even dominated by the omnipotent punctuation - an almost unorthographic life. But one day a small line of blind text, her name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the broad grammar. The big Oxmox advised her not to do so, as it was swarming with bad commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the blind text was not to be deterred. It grabbed its seven capital letters, slipped its initial into its belt, and set off. When it had climbed the first hills of the Italic Mountains, it took a last look back at the skyline of its hometown of Briefabhausen, the headline of Alphabetdorf and the subline of its own street, Zeilengasse. A rhetorical question ran wistfully down his cheek, then continued on his way. On the way it hit a copy. The copy warned the blind text that where it came from it would be